Format Meeting

Online Meetings with Format
Your Quality and Productivity Booster
A Collaboration-Format, which structures a light-weight process from agenda/objective setting to solution brainstorming, action planning to evaluation.
In the format Meeting these tools are available (depending on the selected edition):
- Chat
- Whiteboard
- Presentation
- Visualization
- Business process
- Desktop sharing (optional, see editions and pricing)
- Todo-list (optional, see editions and pricing)
Chat may be the basis of communication. If you are working time shifted or have a preference for writing-based communication, a chat can also play the leading role. Otherwise, chatting is a great way to supplement voice communication by providing a great advantage: automatic documentation of what is really important.
CAI® World chats also benefit greatly from the content based nature of the formats surrounding them: Questions prepared by experts, validated and target-oriented, are available for selection at the click of a mouse. They offer orientation, inspiration - and simply save typing work. Depending on the edition selected, the question sets can also be extended to include your own questions and texts. Of course, the questions and texts are only a suggestion - and can be individually adapted before sending.
Chats can be used as a stand-alone tool in a session, but can also be displayed together with the other graphical tools. So the question sets suitable for the current process phase can also be used directly in the other tools.
The whiteboard can be used in many ways for the development, structuring and visualization of topics, thoughts and contents. The areas of application are therefore comparable with real flipcharts, presentation boards and whiteboards. In a direct comparison, these are some of the advantages:
- Location independence (online)
- Automatic saving of the results, copies of intermediate results can be stored at any time
- Large selection of already prepared drawing elements and symbols (creativity, visual facilitation)
- Dynamic working method due to always guaranteed easy changeability of all elements
In der Visualisierung können diverse Prozesse, Situationen, Probleme, Beziehungen usw. visuell dargestellt werden. Hierzu stehen sowohl Text-Kärtchen als auch zusätzliche Grafiken zur Verfügung.
Business process
BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) is a widely used standard for the graphical specification of processes. The Business Process Tool provides symbols of this notation to visualize processes and procedures.
The activities shown in blue describe tasks that have to be completed in a business process. They are linked with different line types ("sequence flows") and decision points ("gateways"). An essential event is the starting point, the "Start Event". The swimlanes clarify the process participants.
One great advantage of the business process tool is the common, cooperative way in which this visualization can be created. Often, process knowledge with many participants must first be compiled at great expense before it can be noted down and further developed. For this the combined use of different tools of the CAI® World is especially suitable.
The tool provides the management and display of documents. In this way, own materials and documents can be viewed together in the session.
Documents in this context are e.g. PDF files, images or office documents. These documents can be selected from files already stored on the server or added to the document library.

Desktop sharing
You can use desktop sharing to transfer the contents of your own screen to the other session participants ("Screen Sharing"). If you do not want to share the entire screen, you can select a single window. The other people in the session can see the selected region (screen or window) directly.
With this option further applications can be integrated into the session. This enables, for example, training with external programs, in which the session participants should get to know a work sequence. Desktop sharing can also be used to allow a person to capture thoughts that have been worked out together in an external window. All session participants then may provide further input, for example via voice communication.
The transmission of screen content is based on WebRTC technology and does not require separate software installation. Similar system requirements as for the transmission of camera and microphone are required. Additional requirements arise for the browser of the sharing person: here Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox must be used, because Apple Safari only supports viewing, not sharing.
To-do list
Actions, measures and to-do's can be managed in the to-do list. Compared to the whiteboard, the individual tasks offer extended possibilities for entering information in a structured way. An editor can be used to keep longer results formatted. The assignment of the person in charge and the priority, among other things, also makes it possible to filter the list. In order not to miss any appointments, the due date can also be used to notify the person in charge if the task has not yet been completed by the scheduled date.
The to-do list has a special significance compared to the other tools: The entries recorded here are also available to the group in other sessions. This makes the to-do list an ideal link between individual sessions. In subsequent sessions, the open items can provide an excellent starting point for further work.

Im Format Meeting stehen Ihnen (abhängig von der gewählten Edition) diese Tools zur Verfügung:
Editionen im Überblick
CAI® Room 19,95 € je Monat
CAI® Coach ab 29,95 € je Monat
CAI® Leader ab 29,95 € je Monat
CAI® Trainer ab 21,95 € je Monat
CAI® Premium 99,95 € je Monat
Preise zzgl. Umsatzsteuer.
Jetzt besonders attraktive Konditionen bei jährlicher Rechnungsstellung sichern.
Zu den AngebotenCAI® World Formate
Entdecken Sie diese Formate mit ihren jeweiligen Tools: